Tropical Storm and Hurricane Predictions

In addition to the outlook above, this resource from Colorado State University is a great place to learn about hurricane predictions for a specific area of interest.

What is Happening Now?

Curious about whether there are currently any active storms in the Gulf of Mexico or Atlantic? See the graphic below from the National Hurricane Center, and click it for additional information.

National Hurricane Center Tropical Weather Outlook

Get More Information

While the maps on this website are useful for helping visualize what sea level rise looks like in your area of interest, there are many other great resources available. Any of the items in the list below are a great place to get started. If you have additional resources, please feel free to send them to me so that I can share them here.

Our Climate on a Global Scale

Interested in seeing how our climate changes over time? Check out the Climate Time Machine from NASA by clicking the image below:

NASA Climate Time Machine